


This custom tag allows the suer to obtain the value of a property on a bean and display it on the final HTML page that will be shown to the user. For example:
 <web:beanValue property="title" encode="true"/>
Note in the previous example no bean name was specified, therefore it defaults to the title property of the current {@link PageComponent} instance. The method that will be called on this case will be getTitle().

Name Required? Description
bean false Indicates the name of the bean from where the property will be obtained.
encode false Indicates if the output to render should be HTML encoded or not.
For security and proper display on the HTML browsers, it is recommended this attribute to be HTML encoded. The default value if the attribute is not specified is False.
jsEncode false Indicates if the output to render should be encoded for Javascript or not.
The encoding that Javascript requires is different from the one done for HTML; for example, quotes need to be paid special attention. The default value if this attribute is not specified is False.
name false Indicates the name of the bean from where the property will be obtained.
property true Indicates the property of the bean to be read and displayed.
The name of the property has to be the same as the method name that will be called for obtaining the value, except the initial get prefix the method name has.